I chose a demure, matte lavender for my first post winter pedi.  OK, I know, I know.  It’s still technically winter, complete with an inexplicably plunging temperature.  But, with no hope of snow on the horizon and February almost a memory, winter is, in effect, done.   Enough of these dreary, cold days where the only precipitation isn’t white and fluffy.

To me, this lavender, straight from the Lenten palette, represented the color of crocuses on the verge of their debut.  This lavender, which will appear in my yard, did not make its way onto my toes, however and it was not exactly the fault of the lovely woman wielding the tiny paintbrush, either!    

It had been a long day of calculating the volume of cubes and discussing the once important plan of so many to discover the Northwest Passage.  As the massage chair at the nail salon pounded the tension from me, I reached for book instead of phone. 

My page turner is The Nanny by Gilly Macmillan.  Single mom, Jo returns to her childhood home, a grand, English estate, with her 10 year old daughter, Ruby.  Still in residence is her mother, the parent Jo never preferred.  In fact, as a child, Jo and her nanny, Hannah, were inseparable… right up until the beloved caretaker abruptly left one night when Jo was 7 years old. 

With Jo back, many interesting events begin to unfold, not the least of which is the discovery of a human skull.   As clues and truths emerged, this thriller revealed itself to be exactly my type of book…

And I couldn’t put it down.  By the time I glanced up at the end of a chapter, every nail on my left foot was shimmering a lustrous royal blue.  I gasped, and the woman being kneaded like dough in the chair next to me peeked over her copy of Little Fires Everywhere.  We realized at once that her color was on my toes!  Somewhat surprised, I gazed longingly at the lavender bottle, but then laughed and exclaimed ( with crossed fingers) that I liked it!  The Little Fires reader gushed over the hue, thrilled that I previewed it for her, and excited that it would soon be hers. 

That’s the way it goes sometimes.  My toes are blue, but it’s almost spring for real, and life is good. I recommend The Nanny, and I also recommend looking up now and then when you’re getting a pedicure…