…then use it! Go bigger, why not?. I don’t have room for this set up at home, but maybe you do! I’m fortunate to have this in my classroom, though, which is why I can wholeheartedly recommend it.

A variety of plants sprouting from plastic cups under a SunBlaster lamp.
It’s a jungle in here!

So, in February (don’t worry, it’s not too late for you), I brought a bag of potting soil into school. In small groups, students got to fill a cup with soil and choose from maybe 25 seed options. (I’m a seed collector and shameless dead header.) It was up to them to read the planting instructions, tuck their own seeds in, and water. Kids had the best time…they love hands on science, aka making a mess. We studied plants earlier in the year, so they have some knowledge in place. The thing that makes all this fun and learning possible is the SunBlaster system passed on to me this year by another science teacher at my school. It’s wonderful. Seeds were sprouting in no time under its steady, warm glow. This is year three of use with this particular SunBlaster, and its bulbs are still going strong. The system was easily assembled in about 10 minutes by a team of 5th graders.

Every day, students water their own plants and marvel at the progress of their sprouts. It’s fun to plan for future transplanting to either the school garden or home.

close up of the Sun Blaster

Obviously, you don’t need a classroom to grow with a SunBlaster product. Start your garden early at home. I’ve always found growing things to be a hopeful and renewing experience. Someday, this single mom will discuss how therapeutic I find weeding to be…