Summer, my favorite season is finally here, and the pool is where I want to be! My kids grew up at this gorgeous facility, which also happened to be located in our backyard for the first decade we lived in this small town. Every boy swam (or swims) for the team. Every boy worked (or works) in some capacity here. It’s always been my favorite social spot….my sanctuary.

Now boys don’t want to just come hang out, and we can’t cut through the fence to get here, but these facts of life don’t make me love the pool any less.

I will happily load up the car, and drive 1.5 minutes down the road when I hear a lounge chair calling my name. This object I dream about all winter is long and low, with alternating bands of turquoise and white that have just enough give to allow my body to relax comfortably for hours on end…or until a teenage son wants a meal that isn’t reheated pasta or frozen pizza.

There are so many new families this year that Pippa and I have been ending up near the diving board, where we can hear every curse word muttered by a tween boy and see every child’s flip that turns into a painful back or belly flop. Come to think of it, Pippa and I need to relocate tomorrow to the shallow end.

Thank you, Kat, for this extremely fun and useful birthday present (the rollie)!

Because I happen to be on this blogging journey, I can’t afford to spend idle hours away from my laptop, but I can’t bear to be tethered to my couch, either. Working at the pool is the solution to so much in life!

Pippa has been my best pool friend so far this season. Her husband Neville catches up with us after work sometimes, too. Maggie, Liesel, Star and so many others will also become frequent flyers soon.

So here I am behind sunglasses and under a hat and umbrella, attempting to keep the sun spots at bay. Happy pool sounds fill the air. Pippa and I share her drinks and my snacks. What could be better than moving your office to the pool?